Die Geschäftsführerin der Glass Art Society, Brandi P. Clark, hat einen Appell der Organisation zum aktuellen Ausbruch rassistischer Gewalt in den USA veröffentlicht:
Although the Glass Art Society has never sent a message like this before, we feel strongly that we need to break the silence and speak out against the unjust incidents happening across the United States this week. We are deeply disturbed by the tragic murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis—yet another example of the disparity in how our culture treats the lives, safety, and security of African-Americans. We are also dismayed and angered by reports of increased hate speech and hate-motivated violence against the Asian community here in the Seattle area. We condemn these acts in the strongest possible terms, and we will never tolerate them in our organization, at our conferences, or in our community. Acts of racism, discrimination, or violence against anyone stand in direct opposition to our core values. We at the Glass Art Society remain committed to being an open and welcoming community for all individuals who are passionate about glass. We will continue to strive to do a better job of supporting people of color and ending systemic oppression wherever possible.